Scalp Micro Pigmentation

scalp micro pigmentation SMP sherwood park alberta

What is Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP)?

SMP, or scalp micro pigmentation, is a cutting-edge solution for people dealing with various levels of hair loss. SMP is a non-invasive technique that addresses a multitude of hair-related issues, including complete hair restoration, hairline reconstruction, scar concealment, and repair for those who have undergone FUT/FUE procedures. It is a versatile and highly effective service for folks seeking natural and lasting solutions to their hair concerns. Champion Tattoos’ SMP Artist brings a wealth of expertise to this specialized field, holding dual certifications. Operating out of Champion Tattoo, she is currently open for client bookings, offering a wide range of services for custom hair loss solutions

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How SMP Works

Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP) serves as a valuable solution for folks grappling with hair loss by providing a non-invasive and highly specialized technique. Here's how SMP helps:

  1. Appearance of Fuller Hair: SMP involves the application of micro-sized pigment deposits to the scalp, replicating the look of natural hair follicles. This creates the illusion of denser and fuller hair, contributing to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

  2. Non-Surgical Option: Unlike surgical hair restoration procedures, SMP is non-invasive. It doesn't involve incisions or the transplantation of hair follicles, making it a less risky and more accessible option for those seeking to address hair loss.

  3. Scar Concealment: Individuals with scars resulting from previous hair transplant surgeries, such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), can benefit from SMP. The technique helps to camouflage scars and create a more seamless and uniform appearance.

  4. Customized Solutions: SMP is highly versatile and can be tailored to meet individual needs. Whether it's complete hair restoration, defining a natural-looking hairline, or concealing scars from previous procedures, SMP offers customizable solutions based on the specific concerns of each client.

If you’re interested in learning more about SMP, feel free to reach out to Champion Tattoo’s SMP Artist, Julia, for more information.

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Before Beginning Your SMP Journey

We highly recommend coming in for a consultation or scheduling a video call. During this initial meeting, we will evaluate your hair loss or concern areas and discuss goals and expectations for the procedure. We will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. This may include designing a hairline and matching the pigments to the colour of your natural hair.

During this time, we will also talk about hair type and length expectations. Once you have decided SMP is the right choice for you, we will book your first appointment.

What Does an SMP Appointment Look Like?

  1. Preparing the Scalp: During the initial consult, your artist will discuss hair type/length expectations. We will then either shave the head before the appointment or keep the hair intact, depending on your unique circumstances. If shaving the head, “hair mapping” can happen. This means a hairline will be stencilled on beforehand to make sure you are happy with how it looks, and it gives your artist a guide to ensure perfect results.

  2. Application of Pigments: Once all the preparations are complete, we will begin the SMP process. Using a specialized needle, the technician will carefully apply the pigments to your scalp, creating the illusion of individual hair follicles. The application process can range from 2-4 hours, depending on the size of the treatment area.

  3. Post-Procedure Care: After the SMP procedure, we will provide you with aftercare instructions and a small kit included with your appointment. The aftercare is low maintenance but a big part of ensuring it heals properly. We are always available any time after your appointment if you have any questions about aftercare and maintenance.

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