Hold Fast, Stay Gold

How Do You Tell a Story Like the Evolution of Tattooing in Canada?

So, You’re Kinda a Big Deal Podcast

So, You're Kinda a Big Deal.." is a weekly podcast deep diving into the lives of emerging and established tattoo artists.

Listen in as we dig into origin stories, industry hot topics, and what it takes to survive in the world of tattooing.

This is tattoo shop talk. It's funny, it's crass, it's inspiring, and sometimes we get it right!

Join your hosts, Dave Allen and Shawn Hedley, every week as we welcome a new guest to us their story.

You can stream So, You’re Kinda a Big Deal wherever you get your podcasts.

The History of Tattooing in Canada

It’s a multi-layered, overlapping timeline of pioneering efforts by outsider artists at a time when society deemed the craft repulsive, criminal, and deviant.  It’s an elaborate black hole of first-hand stories and tall tales embellished by time and crusty raconteurs. 

And as surely as they were pioneers, they were birthed into a dark craft practiced by their mentors and heroes, men with mysterious and wildlife stories mostly lost to time. Like pirates, their legacy is fabled. 

Who were these titans on the vanguard, pushing a sailor’s folk art to become a custom craft we take for granted today? Before the Insta-famous tattoo influencer, decades before the explosion of tattoo tv and globally recognized tattoo artists, a few dedicated practitioners were living on the fringe, bringing their creativity to an ancient medium and exploring its possibilities. 

Interested in Learning More About the History of Tattooing in Canada?

Watch our nine-part documentary series today!

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